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So far Stacey has created 6 blog entries.

Language Strategies for Early Communicators

Language Strategies for Early Communicators (children who are non-verbal or who are just starting to talk)   Wait, Watch and listen Look carefully at your child to figure out what he wants and needs Give your child a chance to communicate through eye gaze, actions, noises, pictures, words... Listen carefully to what your child is trying [...]

Language Strategies for Early Communicators2017-02-28T14:51:03+00:00

Encouraging Conversations with Experienced Communicators

Encouraging Conversations with Experienced Communicators (children who speak in sentences) Ask your child to clarify or explain Help your child learn how to ask clarification by showing him how to do this Help your child stay on topic bringing him child back to the original topic when necessary  Make sure your child “takes his turn” [...]

Encouraging Conversations with Experienced Communicators2017-02-22T18:03:39+00:00

Pretend Play

Why is pretend play so important? It helps improve language skills It helps improve social skills It helps improves thinking skills Play Strategies Guide the play without taking part in the play You don't need to take on a pretend role Talk to your child as if you were talking to the character he is [...]

Pretend Play2017-02-21T01:51:35+00:00

Pretend Play Themes

Playing baby Feed the baby Change the baby's diaper Dress the baby Wash the baby Play with the baby Burp the baby Playing cars Cars go up and down the ramp Drive cars on the road Wash the car Put gas in the car Change the tires Cars crash Playing Farm Feed the animals Clean [...]

Pretend Play Themes2017-02-22T18:04:04+00:00

Literacy Development and Books

Reading is a form of expressive language. Reading to your child helps: Develop vocabulary and story telling abilities Develop a positive attitude toward reading Teach important pre-reading skills (idea that letters create words and words create ideas)   General strategies for reading books with your child Choose books according to your child’s interests and level of [...]

Literacy Development and Books2017-02-21T01:56:26+00:00

The Power of Music

Reasons to Sing With Your Child Music helps your child's development of language, play and learning. It is fun and it makes new words and ideas easier to remember and understand Music involves many components of language such as speech, non-verbal responses, turn taking as well as actions/gestures Music can introduce children to play and expand play [...]

The Power of Music2017-02-22T20:22:47+00:00